Saturday, March 5, 2011

Clear the clutter

For a past few days, I have been really irritated because of cold and cough. Somehow, in the last week, I unconsciously decided to sleep for 2 hours at night for five continuous days. The result is known to all. We lose all the immunity and fall sick at the slightest instance of temperature difference. Furthermore i was again irritated that I was going to office despite my noble intention to sleep.

I made up for most of the time Friday night. However, although I was fine from health perspective this Saturday, it did not improve my state of feeling. Then my mom decided to give me a task. She told me to clear all the clutter from my desk and the house.

Knowing my mom, I knew from that look in her eyes that she really meant it. So, unwillingly, I began with all my documents. I had filled up my cupboard with them. Most of them appeared to be complete rubbish. It contained the non-disclosure agreement of my previous employer,old lease and license documents that were invalid, old receipts that would serve no purpose. I cleaned them up. Then I started with the books. Most of them were booklets, handouts, magazines and notes I had collected last year.

When I was done, I found that all the important stuffs could be contained in four files. The entire content of my cupboard was filled with all unimportant stuffs.
Then I began to sort out the clothes and I found that most of them cannot be used, they were too short or had worn out with use. This I could donate to the nearby orphanage.

Then I began with my mailbox. I found that most of the stuffs were all unimportant ones. There were newsletters that had everything to do with the advertisements and enticements rather than the reason that I had initially subscribed for. Then there were mails from people who were not significant enough in my life. Then there were spam mails.I deleted more than 2000 mails today and my mailbox now seems more organized.

I also deleted my social networking account that I had created unconsciously due to peer pressure. This is very important because social networking, although it helps to keep in touch with your friends, can open up a channel of intrusion from people you barely know and people you do not know at all. Sometimes, it really gets abusive.

Guess what??? I am feeling much better. At least I have taken one forward step today aimed at making myself feel happy.

Note: This is important!! All the above is my own experience. You may skip everything that I have written above. Although you all are very busy at the moment, please take 5 minutes to contemplate this. Have you unconsciously created too many clutter that you cannot manage at all? Do you feel irritated throughout the week? Do you get friend requests from people you barely know? Is your wall getting cluttered with all the rubbish facebook applications? If answer to any of this is yes, please take a moment to clear the clutter. We often blame the state of current order for our feeling miserable, but more than often these situations are creation of our own.
Clear the clutter. You will feel better. Are there people you do not want to hurt by declining requests? It is then time that you save yourself. You can make others better if you feel better yourself. Is there anything that had earlier served its utility but now has become a liability? But you cannot let it go because of emotions attached to it? Then it is the time that you overcome all the emotions and let it go. You cannot fully enjoy the present if you cannot let go of the past.

There is a saying that goes like this " What is the use of life when you cannot feel alive?" So, my friends, feel alive , don't feel miserable.

My own experience!! :) Nothing borrowed


  1. thanks for such a wonderful words of urs... It really has a great meaning.

  2. Hi Shrikanya,

    Nice Blog :)I do these things on weekly basis , I like and emphasis more on organized way of living and try to keep only things which I can look n take care of :)

  3. Thanks a lot both of you. Organized way simplifies our life in a way that we could not fathom. But it is worth trying. It is always better to enjoy life than just let it pass. Isn't it?

  4. Very nice.... small advise leads to so much of self-realization... n perhaps it IS indeed important to clear d clutter every now n then!!
