Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Yay!! Its Christmas yet again

Yay, its Christmas yet again.

This makes me both happy and sad. Sad, because it is end of December again and yet another year is about to come to its end. Happy, because there are lots of reasons. We reminisce all the good memories of the feats and the adventures this year has brought to us. We have added another year in the scrapbook of our life. A lot of lessons learnt and some of them have been passed on to others. It reminds me of all things I have done without expecting anything out of it and dedicated these to God. and the list goes on and on.

This is a time when we take a break from our work and dedicate our time for the loved ones and be loved in return. It is time for the singles to go and hang out with friends and ogle at all the sugar candies and hot dudes at the parties. Its time when we see other people apart from people at our work.

This is also a time when we take a moment of silence and feel one with the Almighty. It is time when we thank God for all the help he has provided. It is time to thank him for all the angels he had sent us when we were down with despair. It is time that we thank him for the times which were unfavorable to us because it has helped us become stronger. It is also time to thank him for the repeat of some uncomfortable situations through which we have learnt lesson that we have always avoided to learn.

This is time to take an account of what we have done throughout the year and what we have done through which we have made an impact in the history of time. If we have done so, then we should be content.

Life is meaningless if we never celebrated it with music and never danced to their tunes. So I have a couple of music I am listening to during this Christmas. Please enjoy them and also share your own songs!!

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