Thursday, July 25, 2013

Important Life Lesson Learnt Today

I have always heard this quip "This is life, s**t happens". Well, even I believed it till today. From this day, I would say, miracles happen too. Often the people you meet drain your energy and often the people you meet say such right words at right time that you realize their worth when you contemplate them later.

Today, I met an old acquaintance after a long time and we both went to the cafeteria to bitch about our work. It is natural to do so, right? He told me a story which I wish to share with you as this is an important life lesson.

It begins like this:

There were two donkeys and they were friends. One day, they decided to take a walk. While walking one of the donkeys, unable to see the trap hole, fell down in it. The other donkey was lucky enough not to fall down. The first donkey started to struggle to get out of the trap hole. However, he could not get out. The second donkey could not see the plight of his friend. He thought that his friend would be in the trap hole for long time without any food or water and would die a slow death. He made up his mind to give his friend a painless death. Hence, he began to kick dried mud with his hind legs into the trap hole to bury his friend. The first donkey was surprised with his friend's behavior. But he would shake off the dirt every time and stand on the mound of the dirt formed as a result of kicking the dried mud. After hours of his friend kicking dirt into the trap hole, the first donkey could finally get out. He thanked his friend and began to walk to his destination.

Analogy with human life:

People would always throw dirt on you, either knowingly or unknowingly for good or bad intention.

The moral of the story is:

This is life. It is natural to fall into unavoidable mess, sometimes and people throw dirt on you. Shake off the dirt and use it for your own evolution.

Thanks to my friend, I would not take his name. But if you are reading this then you would know. I needed this advice very badly, today and for the rest o my life.

1 comment:

  1. Nice story and best part - first donkey desperately trying to come out of trap hole.
