Monday, June 18, 2012

You do have enough time

Today I was replying to a friend who had written me almost a week back saying that "Sorry for the delayed response, I did not have time to write back". I stopped writing as I was completely lying to myself and the friend.

The fact that I had time for facebook, twitter, calling my friends to chat a bit (everyone knows by now that I am not that much of a caller than meeting up for a tête-à-tête), staying late at office, cooking, etc clearly refutes this statement. The reason that I never wrote back was that the fact that I did not feel inspired enough to write back. Was that friend so important to me? Yes. Was writing back worth it? No. Was meeting that person worth it? Definitely. Why? Because you get much more updates than writing long boring mails. So I fixed up a meeting with that friend.

So next time, friends, whenever you say that you do not have enough time, please introspect to find the actual reason you are trying to avoid any particular situation. Do not come up with lame, cliché excuses that probably seeped through generations of our lying fathers and grandfathers (who may have come up with the same excuse for the situations that even they wanted to avoid).

It is much better to face the truth than lying to ourselves. Eases the burden on our soul. Trust me. This comes from a firsthand experience. In case, you are trying to avoid a particularly clingy friend, be more creative and inventive. Come up with new excuses. And get rid of unwanted stuffs, work and people from your life. The more you de-clutter, the more you create space for the good things to flow in.

As far as your office is concerned, you can always tell about your pre-scheduled engagements or better that you cannot do two things at the same time.

Have a nice day and let me know your opinions on this.

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