Sunday, August 5, 2012

Happy Friendship Day!!

What do you think when you think about friendship?
1. Loyalty
2. Trust
3. Respect
4. Euphoria
5. Goodwill
6. Love
7. Belonging
 .... and you may add to the list and people like me would keep on adding names to the list. :)

But many people will disagree with me. They will say that everyone is an opportunist. You must be wary of friends. They don't help, because they have something to gain out of it. They will push you to the front and run away when you need them the most. Voltaire even said "Lord, protect me from my friends; I can take care of my enemies." But the fact is that we still crave for company. We all desire love and more than that good friendship.

What draws you to people? It can be good feeling around a person. Looks. Yes!! Politeness could be a factor. Mannerism too.
And you may add to the list. What prompts you to make a friend? Good vibes around that person, a mutual good will, respect for each others opinion, etc. Money, good looks, etc does not prompt you to become friends. When you get along with a person just because that person is rich enough so that person may help you or you can benefit from that person or he/she has a lot of contacts and call him/her your best friend, that is mean. And if you get people, who are with you just to use you, there may have been something that has drawn them towards you in the first place. Any relation based on predator/victim mentality is going to fall apart one day or the other. The base for every relationship is honesty in the first place.

If you have good friends then you will see that it is based on spiritual connection rather than any circumstance or material connection. You just be friends, you never had to make an effort. They accept you as you are and you accept them as they are. There is no pretension and they know your worst and the best qualities. They feel bad when you are sad and also feel happy when you are. Often they may feel jealous of your happiness, and they may feel upset for a certain time. Fact is that they are afraid that you will move on and forget about them. Things won't be the same ever. They may move on just to avoid being hurt. They might also say some hurtful statements and run away. But that does not make them less than a friend. There may be some you meet, get inspired, you share some beautiful moments with them and one day, they leave the way they came and never look back. That really hurts a big time. You might feel betrayed and be cautious when you make friends the next time. Else many of us have instincts to act like the ostrich who duck their heads into the grass thinking that the predator cannot see them. There are some whom we help and then they move on leaving us upset for ever. And some who are lucky have people who stand by them like wall for an entire lifetime no matter what.

So the conclusion is friends are for a reason, season and a lifetime. We must accept this fact and make the best of what life offers us. Friendship is not created or achieved by an act of will or intention. Friendship is always an act of recognition and acceptance. That is why we never make friends, we be friends. Like any friendship, there are times when friendships travels through troughs. You may lose the attraction and magic. A smallest issue can make the presence of each other sore. The best thing to do at this time is to open up your soul and make known your true intention. If you send out the goodness withing you and the truest quality of your soul, then it will come back multiplied many times over and will erase all the hostility from the heart of the other person. If the other does not recognize that intent, then the role of that person is over in your life. Just wish all the best from your heart for that person and remember that universe brought you together for a reason.

You will also come across people with whom we become friends. Sadly, in the course of time we realize that this friendship is not going to last for very long. We separate in the best of relations but they leave a dent in our hearts and knowingly or unknowingly, we curse destiny. However, in the word of  John O'Donohue, “Your soul knows the geography of your destiny. Your soul alone has the map of your future, therefore you can trust this indirect, oblique side of yourself. If you do, it will take you where you need to go, but more important it will teach you a kindness of rhythm in your journey.” Remember, that these friends of season have moulded you into persons you are today and be grateful to universe that you even have had the  opportunity of knowing them.

Still, there will be some that you get along with and whatever may be the situation you tend to be together and stick together. As if you both can face the world being together. Somehow and luckily, they be with you for an entire lifetime. Even if they part with you for a short while, they tend to come to you and be with you. And well, you have met your friend of a lifetime and that person is your BFF(Best Friend Forever).

Apart from the above kind of friendships, there is another kind of friendship which is far above the world that we perceive  as and is of a spiritual nature. This kind of friend will accept you as you truly are and recognize the light and beauty within you although you yourself may be oblivious to it. This will awaken the angel in you and your own true nature. This kind of friendship will let your soul shine. The Celtic tradition believes that every human being has an aura associated with his body. When you open and trust a person so much so that both your auras begin to flow together, a bond is formed of spiritual nature and it is said that you have found you anam cara or soul friend. According to John O'Donahue,  "...You are joined in an ancient and eternal union with humanity that cuts across all barriers of time, convention, philosophy and definition. When you are blessed with an anam cara, the Irish believe, you have arrived at that most sacred place: home."

Sometimes, there are those friends with whom you are very comfortable with. You can be yourself with this person but still you would like to become better for this person because whatever happens you will try to make this person happy even if the only thing that person wants is you being yourself. This kind of friendship will spark a growth insect in you and inspire you to become better in any aspect of life. There is a deep meaningful spiritual bond and you share a special rapport with that person. There is a electric spark in your relationship and you know in your subconscious that you belong to this person forever and there is no way that you can exist apart. There is a magic which is so rapturous that you may never feel this with any other person. There is always a feeling of purity and pure satisfaction with this person and in a certain period of time you may come to love that person and keep him/her above anything else. You protect this person in such a way as if he/she is a part of your soul. If you have met such a person and you mutually feel the same towards each other, then thank the universe that you have met your "Twin Flame Soulmate".

Love can be romantic, compassionate, etc but friendship can be unlimited. It is purest form of relationship known to mankind. If you have friends, be glad that you have them in your life. Ask a person who has been subjected to a lifetime of confinement and that person can tell you how lucky you are.

If you are a non-believer in friendship, then whenever you feel that a person is befriending you for some sinister intention, look directly into his/her eyes, they will tell you about their soul and hence, of their true intent.

May universe bless all of you with great many friends. Happy Friendship day!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

You do have enough time

Today I was replying to a friend who had written me almost a week back saying that "Sorry for the delayed response, I did not have time to write back". I stopped writing as I was completely lying to myself and the friend.

The fact that I had time for facebook, twitter, calling my friends to chat a bit (everyone knows by now that I am not that much of a caller than meeting up for a tête-à-tête), staying late at office, cooking, etc clearly refutes this statement. The reason that I never wrote back was that the fact that I did not feel inspired enough to write back. Was that friend so important to me? Yes. Was writing back worth it? No. Was meeting that person worth it? Definitely. Why? Because you get much more updates than writing long boring mails. So I fixed up a meeting with that friend.

So next time, friends, whenever you say that you do not have enough time, please introspect to find the actual reason you are trying to avoid any particular situation. Do not come up with lame, cliché excuses that probably seeped through generations of our lying fathers and grandfathers (who may have come up with the same excuse for the situations that even they wanted to avoid).

It is much better to face the truth than lying to ourselves. Eases the burden on our soul. Trust me. This comes from a firsthand experience. In case, you are trying to avoid a particularly clingy friend, be more creative and inventive. Come up with new excuses. And get rid of unwanted stuffs, work and people from your life. The more you de-clutter, the more you create space for the good things to flow in.

As far as your office is concerned, you can always tell about your pre-scheduled engagements or better that you cannot do two things at the same time.

Have a nice day and let me know your opinions on this.