Saturday, November 27, 2010


Energy Vampires. This seems like a new seductive coinage. Okay, exactly who are the energy vampires? These are the people who sap all your energy and leave you with nothing but to whine about something that is not in your control. You can always avoid such people, right? You would easily know them right? Not very often. These people may be the closest person to you, the only person whom you trust. Worst, these could be your parents as well.

You can classify these people into two categories--
1) Malign
2) Benign

Those who are malign are usually jealous or they hate us for reason sometimes known and sometimes unknown. Known reasons can be we are better looking, we are much more talented, we are the attention getter, we are good at something. Basically, when they say something, that is usually not in our best interest. They would bully us, insult us so that they can hurt us and they can seek transient happiness. This is one kind called the malign energy vampire.

There is also a class called benign energy vampires. These could be your best friends, your relatives, your parents, your spouse etc. These people whenever they think, they think of your good interest. So it shouldn't be a problem right? But unfortunately, they can pose a worse threat than the malign ones. Often, they stifle you with their thoughts saying that they are thinking in your best interest and that whatever they think will think for our best. They will stuff you up with so much negative thoughts that you will take years to get rid of the after effects.

Have you ever seen that when you go for an examination and say you have prepared for it to a great extent, still some one from your family tells you to revise well and check out if you have missed something lest that is the topic that you have to answer and you fail? Have you seen parents following their children everywhere in their important projects in order to discipline them?

Seriously, this is an example of how our dear ones become an energy vampire .When you are bound to succeed and you leave no stone unturned to attain it, there is no scope for failure. When at this point you start to think about failure, it comes your way. Some people call it ' Law Of Attraction ' and some call it ' Like Attracts Like'. The point is when you tend to invest your time and energy in avoiding bad stuffs, the bad stuffs come your way. Basically, whatever you put your time and energy to, you tend to attract it. Try to avoid some person, and he inevitably shows up that day. This is no coincidence but law of attraction. You attracted that particular event into physical manifestation.

I will talk about two theories of physics:
1) The theory of matter and energy being inter convertible
2) Multiverse theory

If you have read about antimatter, you would know that when antimatter come together then it goes off as radiation and on the other hand, a radiation can also be disintegrated into antimatter. That means energy can be converted to matter. Although unstable :-) Now if say, our thought was a kind of energy, then it can also be manifested into transient matter.

Hugh Everett suggested a theory that the universe that we see is one of the infinite number of parallel universes and these parallel universes constantly interact and interfere with one another. We are mere spectator there. This is the multiverse theory.
There can be one universe where we have passed an exam and one where we have failed it. Just an example. ;-)

Let us assume that these parallel universes vibrate with a certain frequency and our thought an energy. If we think positively, then our thought would also have a frequency and cause our universe interfere with the parallel universe with which our frequency matches, and would create the positive outcome of that parallel universe interfere with ours and we tend to create a positive outcome in this universe. Why? because we focused on positive. However, the energy vampires tend to bring our energy down to a level so that we can attract negative outcome.

Hence, to be happy you need to focus on positive outcome and not let yourself bogged down by if you fail, what if lectures.

It will take a lot of time to convince that they are wrong. It took me five years. :-). After all, you love the person due to their positive traits. Although it is necessary for you to keep them from affecting your thoughts, it is also necessary to get them rid of their internal demons.Otherwise, they will find another prey to sap the positive energy from.

If they love you, you will be able to convince them.

Till then lots of love.

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